State submittals to EPA.

§ 130.10 State submittals to EPA.

(a) The following must be submitted regularly by the States to EPA:

(1) The section 305(b) report, in FY 84 and every two years thereafter, and the annual section 205(j) certification or update of the 305(b) water quality report; (Approved by OMB under the control number 2040–0071)

(2) The annual State work program(s) under sections 106 and 205(j) of the Act; and (Approved by OMB under the control number 2010–0004)

(3) Revisions or additions to water quality standards (WQS) (303(c)). (Approved by OMB under 2040–0049)

(b) The Act also requires that each State initially submit to EPA and revise as necessary the following:

(1) Continuing planning process (CPP) (303(e));

(2) Identification of water quality-limited waters still requiring TMDLs (section 303(d)), pollutants, and the priority ranking including waters targeted for TMDL development within the next two years as required under § 130.7(b) in accordance with the schedule set for in § 130.7(d)(1).

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2040–0071)

(3) Total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) (303(d)); and

(4) Water quality management (WQM) plan and certified and approved WQM plan updates (208, 303(e)). (Paragraph (b)(1), (4) approved by OMB under the control number 2010–0004).

(c) The form and content of required State submittals to EPA may be tailored to reflect the organization and needs of the State, as long as the requirements and purposes of the Act, this part and, where applicable, 40 CFR parts 29, 30, 33 and 35, subparts A and J are met. The need for revision and schedule of submittals shall be agreed to annually with EPA as the States annual work program is developed.

(d) Not later than February 4, 1989, each State shall submit to EPA for review, approval, and implementation—

(1) A list of those waters within the State which after the application of effluent limitations required under section 301(b)(2) of the CWA cannot reasonably be anticipated to attain or maintain (i) water quality standards for such waters reviewed, revised, or adopted in accordance with section 303(c)(2)(B) of the CWA, due to toxic pollutants, or (ii) that water quality which shall assure protection of public health, public water supplies, agricultural and industrial uses, and the protection and propagation of a balanced population of shellfish, fish and wildlife, and allow recreational activities in and on the water;

(2) A list of all navigable waters in such State for which the State does not expect the applicable standard under section 303 of the CWA will be achieved after the requirements of sections 301(b), 306, and 307(b) are met, due entirely or substantially to discharges from point sources of any toxic pollutants listed pursuant to section 307(a);

(3) For each segment of navigable waters included on such lists, a determination of the specific point source discharging any such toxic pollutant which is believed to be preventing or impairing such water quality and the amount of each such toxic pollutant discharged by each such source.

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