State plans

42 U.S. Code § 629b. State plans

(a) Plan requirementsA State plan meets the requirements of this subsection if the plan—
provides that the State agency shall administer, or supervise the administration of, the State program under this subpart;
sets forth the goals intended to be accomplished under the plan by the end of the 5th fiscal year in which the plan is in operation in the State, and (ii) is updated periodically to set forth the goals intended to be accomplished under the plan by the end of each 5th fiscal year thereafter;
describes the methods to be used in measuring progress toward accomplishment of the goals;
(C) contains assurances that the State—
after the end of each of the 1st 4 fiscal years covered by a set of goals, will perform an interim review of progress toward accomplishment of the goals, and on the basis of the interim review will revise the statement of goals in the plan, if necessary, to reflect changed circumstances; and
after the end of the last fiscal year covered by a set of goals, will perform a final review of progress toward accomplishment of the goals, and on the basis of the final review (I) will prepare, transmit to the Secretary, and make available to the public a final report on progress toward accomplishment of the goals, and (II) will develop (in consultation with the entities required to be consulted pursuant to subsection (b)) and add to the plan a statement of the goals intended to be accomplished by the end of the 5th succeeding fiscal year;
provides for coordination, to the extent feasible and appropriate, of the provision of services under the plan and the provision of services or benefits under other Federal or federally assisted programs serving the same populations;
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