State plan HCBS administration: State responsibilities and quality improvement.

§ 441.745 State plan HCBS administration: State responsibilities and quality improvement.

(a) State plan HCBS administration—(1) State responsibilities. The State must carry out the following responsibilities in administration of its State plan HCBS:

(i) Number served. The State will annually provide CMS with the projected number of individuals to be enrolled in the benefit and the actual number of unduplicated individuals enrolled in State plan HCBS in the previous year.

(ii) Access to services. The State must grant access to all State plan HCBS assessed to be needed in accordance with a service plan consistent with § 441.725, to individuals who have been determined to be eligible for the State plan HCBS benefit, subject to the following requirements:

(A) A State must determine that provided services meet medical necessity criteria.

(B) A State may limit access to services through targeting criteria established by § 441.710(e)(2).

(C) A State may not limit access to services based upon the income of eligible individuals, the cost of services, or the individual's location in the State.

(iii) Appeals. A State must provide individuals with advance notice of and the right to appeal terminations, suspensions, or reductions of Medicaid eligibility or covered services as described in part 431, subpart E.

(2) Administration—(i) Option for presumptive payment. (A) The State may provide for a period of presumptive payment, not to exceed 60 days, for Medicaid eligible individuals the State has reason to believe may be eligible for the State plan HCBS benefit. FFP is available for both services that meet the definition of medical assistance and necessary administrative expenditures for evaluation of eligibility for the State plan HCBS benefit under § 441.715(d) and assessment of need for specific HCBS under § 441.720(a), prior to an individual's receipt of State plan HCBS or determination of ineligibility for the benefit.

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