State-issued variances and exemptions under Section 1415(a) and Section 1416 of the Act.

§ 142.20 State-issued variances and exemptions under Section 1415(a) and Section 1416 of the Act.

(a) States with primary enforcement responsibility may issue variances to public water systems (other than small system variances) from the requirements of primary drinking water regulations under conditions and in a manner which are not less stringent than the requirements under Section 1415(a) of the Act. In States that do not have primary enforcement responsibility, variances may be granted by the Administrator pursuant to Subpart E of this part.

(1) A State must document all findings that are required under Section 1415(a) of the Act.

(2) If a State prescribes a schedule pursuant to section 1415(a) of the Act requiring compliance with a contaminant level for which the variance is granted later than five years from the date of issuance of the variance the State must—

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