State health care workforce development grants

42 U.S. Code § 294r. State health care workforce development grants

(a) Establishment
There is established a competitive health care workforce development grant program (referred to in this section as the “program”) for the purpose of enabling State partnerships to complete comprehensive planning and to carry out activities leading to coherent and comprehensive health care workforce development strategies at the State and local levels.
(b) Fiscal and administrative agentThe Health Resources and Services Administration of the Department of Health and Human Services (referred to in this section as the “Administration”) shall be the fiscal and administrative agent for the grants awarded under this section. The Administration is authorized to carry out the program, in consultation with the National Health Care Workforce Commission (referred to in this section as the “Commission”), which shall review reports on the development, implementation, and evaluation activities of the grant program, including—
administering the grants;
providing technical assistance to grantees; and
reporting performance information to the Commission.
(c) Planning grants
(1) Amount and duration
A planning grant shall be awarded under this subsection for a period of not more than one year and the maximum award may not be more than $150,000.
(2) Eligibility
To be eligible to receive a planning grant, an entity shall be an eligible partnership. An eligible partnership shall be a State workforce investment board, if it includes or modifies the members to include at least one representative from each of the following: health care employer, labor organization, a public 2-year institution of higher education, a public 4-year institution of higher education, the recognized State federation of labor, the State public secondary education agency, the State P–16 or P–20 Council if such a council exists, and a philanthropic organization that is actively engaged in providing learning, mentoring, and work opportunities to recruit, educate, and train individuals for, and retain individuals in, careers in health care and related industries.
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