State assurances.

§ 441.464 State assurances.

A State must assure that the following requirements are met:

(a) Necessary safeguards. Necessary safeguards have been taken to protect the health and welfare of individuals furnished services under the program and to assure the financial accountability for funds expended for self-directed services.

(1) Safeguards must prevent the premature depletion of the participant directed budget as well as identify potential service delivery problems that might be associated with budget underutilization.

(2) These safeguards may include the following:

(i) Requiring a case manager, support broker or other person to monitor the participant's expenditures.

(ii) Requiring the financial management entity to flag significant budget variances (over and under expenditures) and bring them to the attention of the participant, the participant's representative, if applicable, case manager, or support broker.

(iii) Allocating the budget on a monthly or quarterly basis.

(iv) Other appropriate safeguards as determined by the State.

(3) Safeguards must be designed so that budget problems are identified on a timely basis so that corrective action may be taken, if necessary.

(b) Evaluation of need. The State must perform an evaluation of the need for personal care under the State Plan or services under a section 1915(c) waiver program for individuals who meet the following requirements:

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