State-administered program: Final authorization.

§ 272.1801 State-administered program: Final authorization.

Pursuant to section 3006(b) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6926(b): Ohio has final authorization for the following elements submitted to EPA in Ohio's program application for final authorization and approved by EPA effective on June 30, 1989 (see 54 FR 27173), June 7, 1991 (see 56 FR 14203) and August 19, 1991 (see 56 FR 28088).

(a) State Statutes and Regulations. (1) The following Ohio regulations are incorporated by reference and codified as part of the hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq. This incorporation by reference was approved by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a). Ohio Administrative Code, volume 4, chapter 3745, rules: 49-031; 50-01; 50-03; 50-10; 50-11; 50-31 through 50-32; 50-40 through 50-44(C)(3)(j); 50-44(C)(4) through 50-44(C)(4)(k); 50-44(C)(5) through 50-44(C)(5)(i); 50-44(C)(6) through 50-44(C)(7)(j); 50-44(C)(8) through 51-03(C)(2)(b)(ii); 51-03 (D) and (E); 51-04 through 51-05; 51-06(A)(1) through 51-06(A)(3)(g); 51-06(B) through 52-20(F); 52-20 Appendix I through 52-34(F); 52-40 through 52-44; 52-50 through 53-10; 53-11(D) through 53-20(H); 53-21 through 54-99; 55-02 through 55-99; 56-20 through 56-31; 56-33 (A) and (B); 56-50 through 56-60; 56-70 through 56-83; 57-01 through 57-14(B); 57-14(E); 57-15 through 57-18; 57-40 through 58-40; 58-42; 58-43 through 58-44; 58-45(A) through 58-45(E); 58-45(G); 58-46; 58-50 through 58-54; 58-60 through 65-01(C); 65-01(E); 65-10 through 68-14(C); 68-14(F); 68-15 through 68-52; 68-70 through 68-83; 68-011(A) through 68-011(E); 69-01 through 69-30 (OAC June 30, 1990, as supplemented by 1990-1991 Ohio Monthly Record, pages 70-80 (July 1990)). Copies of the Ohio regulations that are incorporated by reference in this paragraph are available from Banks-Baldwin Law Publishing Company, P.O. Box 1974, University Center, Cleveland, Ohio 44106-8697. Customer Service Department.

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