Standard permit conditions.

§ 147.2925 Standard permit conditions.

(a) The permittee must comply with all permit conditions, except as authorized by an emergency permit (described in § 147.2906). Noncompliance is grounds for permit modification, permit termination or enforcement action.

(b) The permittee has a duty to halt or reduce activity in order to maintain compliance with permit conditions.

(c) The permittee shall take all reasonable steps to mitigate any adverse environmental impact resulting from noncompliance.

(d) The permittee shall properly operate and maintain all facilities installed or used to meet permit conditions. Proper operation and maintenance also includes adequate operator staffing and training, adequate funding, and adequate engineering capability available.

(e) This permit may be modified or terminated for cause (see §§ 147.2927 and 147.2928). The filing of a request by the permittee for a permit modification or termination, or a notification of planned changes or anticipated noncompliance, does not stay any permit condition.

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