Standard missing data procedures for SO2, NOX, and flow rate.

§ 75.33 Standard missing data procedures for SO2, NOX, and flow rate.

(a) Following initial certification of the required SO2, NOX, and flow rate monitoring system(s) at a particular unit or stack location (i.e., the date and time at which quality-assured data begins to be recorded by CEMS(s) at that location) and upon completion of the first 720 quality-assured monitor operating hours (for SO2) or the first 2,160 quality-assured monitor operating hours (for flow, NOX emission rate, or NOX concentration), the owner or operator shall provide substitute data required under this subpart according to the procedures in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section and depicted in Table 1 (SO2) and Table 2 of this section (NOX, flow). The owner or operator may either implement the provisions of paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section on a non-fuel-specific basis, or may, as described in paragraphs (b)(5), (b)(6), (c)(7) and (c)(8) of this section, provide fuel-specific substitute data values. Notwithstanding these requirements, if three years (26,280 clock hours) have elapsed since the date and hour of initial certification, and fewer than 720 (or 2,160, as applicable) quality-assured monitor operating hours have been recorded, the owner or operator shall begin using the missing data procedures of this section. The owner or operator of a unit shall substitute for missing data using quality-assured monitor operating hours of data from no earlier than three years (26,280 clock hours) prior to the date and time of the missing data period.

(b) SO2concentration data. For each hour of missing SO2 concentration data,

(1) If the monitor data availability is equal to or greater than 95.0 percent, the owner or operator shall calculate substitute data by means of the automated data acquisition and handling system for that hour of the missing data period according to the following procedures:

(i) For a missing data period less than or equal to 24 hours, substitute the average of the hourly SO2 concentrations recorded by an SO2 pollutant concentration monitor for the hour before and the hour after the missing data period.

(ii) For a missing data period greater than 24 hours, substitute the greater of:

(A) The 90th percentile hourly SO2 concentration recorded by an SO2 pollutant concentration monitor during the previous 720 quality-assured monitor operating hours; or

(B) The average of the hourly SO2 concentrations recorded by an SO2 pollutant concentration monitor for the hour before and the hour after the missing data period.

(2) If the monitor data availability is at least 90.0 percent but less than 95.0 percent, the owner or operator shall calculate substitute data by means of the automated data acquisition and handling system for that hour of the missing data period according to the following procedures:

(i) For a missing data period of less than or equal to 8 hours, substitute the average of the hourly SO2 concentrations recorded by an SO2 pollutant concentration monitor for the hour before and the hour after the missing data period.

(ii) For a missing data period of more than 8 hours, substitute the greater of:

(A) the 95th percentile hourly SO2 concentration recorded by an SO2 pollutant concentration monitor during the previous 720 quality-assured monitor operating hours; or

(B) The average of the hourly SO2 concentrations recorded by an SO2 pollutant concentration monitor for the hour before and the hour after the missing data period.

(3) If the monitor data availability is at least 80.0 percent but less than 90.0 percent, the owner or operator shall substitute for that hour of the missing data period the maximum hourly SO2 concentration recorded by an SO2 pollutant concentration monitor during the previous 720 quality-assured monitor operating hours.

(4) If the monitor data availability is less than 80.0 percent, the owner or operator shall substitute for that hour of the missing data period the maximum potential SO2 concentration, as defined in section of appendix A to this part.

(5) For units that combust more than one type of fuel, the owner or operator may opt to implement the missing data routines in paragraphs (b)(1) through (b)(4) of this section on a fuel-specific basis. If this option is selected, the owner or operator shall document this in the monitoring plan required under § 75.53.

(6) Use the following guidelines to implement paragraphs (b)(1) through (b)(4) of this section on a fuel-specific basis:

(i) Separate the historical, quality-assured SO2 concentration data according to the type of fuel combusted;

(ii) For units that co-fire different types of fuel, either group the co-fired hours with the historical data for the fuel with the highest SO2 emission rate (e.g., if diesel oil and pipeline natural gas are co-fired, count co-fired hours as oil-burning hours), or separate the co-fired hours from the single-fuel hours;

(iii) For the purposes of providing substitute data under paragraph (b)(4) of this section, determine a separate, fuel-specific maximum potential SO2 concentration (MPC) value for each type of fuel combusted in the unit, in a manner consistent with section of appendix A to this part. For fuel that qualifies as pipeline natural gas or natural gas (as defined in § 72.2 of this chapter), the owner or operator shall, for the purposes of determining the MPC, either determine the maximum total sulfur content and minimum gross calorific value (GCV) of the gas by fuel sampling and analysis or shall use a default total sulfur content of 0.05 percent by weight (dry basis) and a default GCV value of 950 Btu/scf. For co-firing, the MPC value shall be based on the fuel with the highest SO2 emission rate. The exact methodology used to determine each fuel-specific MPC value shall be documented in the monitoring plan for the unit or stack; and

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