Standard acquisition charge.

§ 413.404 Standard acquisition charge.

(a) General. (1) Procuring an organ is not a covered service when performed independent of a Medicare covered transplant, however, the reasonable costs to procure an organ are reimbursable when billed in connection with a Medicare covered transplant.

(2) The SAC represents the average of the total organ acquisition costs associated with procuring either deceased donor organs or living donor organs, by organ type.

(3) When a TH/HOPO or IOPO furnishes an organ to another TH/HOPO or IOPO, it bills its SAC to the TH/HOPO or IOPO receiving the organ.

(b) THs/HOPOs SACs. (1) A TH/HOPO must develop a SAC for each organ type (for example heart, liver, or lung).

(2) When a TH/HOPO furnishes an organ to another TH or IOPO, it must bill the receiving TH or IOPO its SAC by organ type, or the hospital's standard departmental charges that are reduced to cost.

(3) A TH must establish SACs for living donor organs. A TH/HOPO must establish SACs for deceased donor organs.

(i) Living donor SAC for THs-(A) Definition. The living donor SAC is an average organ acquisition cost that a TH incurs to procure an organ from a living donor.

(B) Establishment of living donor SAC. A TH must establish a living donor SAC before the TH bills its first living donor transplant to Medicare.

(C) Calculating the living donor SAC.—(1) Initial living donor SAC. A TH calculates its initial living donor SAC for each living donor organ type as follows:

(i) By estimating the reasonable and necessary organ acquisition costs it expects to incur for services furnished to living donors, and pre-admission services furnished to recipients of living donor organs during the hospital's cost reporting period.

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