Staff involvement with NSF proposals and awards.

§ 680.11 Staff involvement with NSF proposals and awards.


(1) Many scientists, engineers, and educators interrupt active research and teaching careers to spend a year or two at NSF and then return to research and teaching, usually at the same institution from which they came. Many such visiting scientists, engineers, and educators (and a few permanent employees) who have been principal investigators under NSF awards before coming to NSF, retain some interest or association with the work. If an individual is a principal investigator under an NSF award, the individual is not precluded from retaining ties to the work after becoming an NSF employee. The employee may stay in contact with those who are continuing the work in the employee's laboratory or on his or her project. The employee may continue to supervise graduate students. And the employee may visit and work in the laboratory on his or her own time for these and related purposes.

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