Specifications for performing spirometry tests.

§ 37.95 Specifications for performing spirometry tests.

(a) Persons administering spirometry tests. Each person administering spirometry tests for the Coal Workers' Health Surveillance Program must successfully complete a NIOSH-approved spirometry training course and maintain a valid certificate by periodically completing NIOSH-approved spirometry refresher training courses, identified on the NIOSH Web site at http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/. A copy of the certificate of completion from a NIOSH-approved spirometry training or refresher course, with validation dates printed on the document, must be available for inspection. NIOSH will assign each person administering spirometry tests a unique identification number, which must be entered into the spirometry system computer whenever instrument quality assurance or miner testing is done or on the Spirometry Results Notification Form (CDC/NIOSH 2.15).

(b) Spirometer specifications. Spirometry testing equipment must meet the 2005 ATS/ERS Standardisation of Spirometry specifications for spirometer accuracy and precision and real-time display size and content, pp. 331-333, including Table 2 on p. 322 and Table 6 on p. 332 (incorporated by reference, see § 37.98). Facilities must make available for inspection written verification from a third-party testing laboratory (not the manufacturer or distributor) that the model of spirometer being used has successfully passed its validation checks as required by the Standardization of Spirometry; 1994 Update protocol, Appendix B pp. 1126-1134, including Table C1 (incorporated by reference, see § 37.98). Facilities may request such documentation from spirometer manufacturers. For each forced expiratory maneuver submitted for a miner under this part, the spirometry data file must retain a record of the parameters defined in the 2005 ATS/ERS Standardisation of Spirometry, p. 335 including Table 8 (incorporated by reference, see § 37.98). Spirometers that provide electronic transfer of spirometry data results files must use the format, content, and data structure specified by the 2005 ATS/ERS Standardisation of Spirometry, p. 335, or a procedure for data transfer that is approved by NIOSH.

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