Specification of resident assessment instrument.

§ 483.315 Specification of resident assessment instrument.

(a) Statutory basis. Sections 1819(e)(5) and 1919(e)(5) of the Act require that a State specify the resident assessment instrument (RAI) to be used by long term care facilities in the State when conducting initial and periodic assessments of each resident's functional capacity, in accordance with § 483.20.

(b) State options in specifying an RAI. The RAI that the State specifies must be one of the following:

(1) The instrument designated by CMS.

(2) An alternate instrument specified by the State and approved by CMS, using the criteria specified in the State Operations Manual issued by CMS (CMS Pub. 7) which is available for purchase through the National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Rd., Springfield, VA 22151.

(c) State requirements in specifying an RAI. (1) Within 30 days after CMS notifies the State of the CMS-designated RAI or changes to it, the State must do one of the following:

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