Specific capitalization grant agreement requirements.

§ 35.3550 Specific capitalization grant agreement requirements.

(a) General. A State must agree to comply with this subpart, 2 CFR part 200, the EPA general assistance regulations in 2 CFR part 1500 and the specific conditions of the grant. A State must also agree to the following requirements and, in some cases, provide documentation as part of the capitalization grant application.

(b) Comply with State statutes and regulations. A State must agree to comply with all State statutes and regulations that are applicable to DWSRF program funds including capitalization grant funds, State match, interest earnings, net bond proceeds, repayments, and funds used for set-aside activities.

(c) Demonstrate technical capability. A State must agree to provide documentation demonstrating that it has adequate personnel and resources to establish and manage the DWSRF program.

(d) Accept payments. A State must agree to accept capitalization grant payments in accordance with a payment schedule negotiated between EPA and the State.

(e) Make binding commitments. A State must agree to enter into binding commitments with assistance recipients to provide assistance from the Fund.

(1) Binding commitments must be made in an amount equal to the amount of each capitalization grant payment and accompanying State match that is deposited into the Fund and must be made within one year after the receipt of each grant payment.

(2) A State may make binding commitments for more than the required amount and credit the excess towards the binding commitment requirements of subsequent grant payments.

(3) If a State is concerned about its ability to comply with the binding commitment requirement, it must notify the RA and propose a revised payment schedule for future grant payments.

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