The Special Warranty.

§ 215.7 The Special Warranty.

(a) The Special Warranty mentioned in paragraph (b)(2) of § 215.3 refers to the protective arrangements developed for application to the Other Than Urbanized program. The warranty arrangement represents the understandings of the Department of Labor and the Department of Transportation, reached in May 1979, with respect to the protections to be applied for such grants. The Special Warranty provides fair and equitable arrangements to protect the interests of employees and meets the requirements of 49 U.S.C. 5333(b). The Special Warranty Arrangement applicable to OTRB and Other Than Urbanized grants will be derived from the terms and conditions of the May 1979 Special Section 13(c) Warranty, and the Department's subsequent experience under 49 U.S.C. 5333(b). From time to time, the Department may update this Special Warranty Arrangement to reflect developments in the employee protection program.

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