Smoke opacity testing.

§ 1033.525 Smoke opacity testing.

Analyze exhaust opacity test data as follows:

(a) Measure exhaust opacity using the procedures specified in 40 CFR 1065.1125. Perform the opacity test with a continuous digital recording of smokemeter response identified by notch setting over the entire locomotive test cycle specified in § 1033.515(c)(4) or § 1033.520(e)(4). Measure smokemeter response in percent opacity to within one percent resolution.

(b) Calibrate the smokemeter as follows:

(1) Calibrate using neutral density filters with approximately 10, 20, and 40 percent opacity. Confirm that the opacity values for each of these reference filters are NIST-traceable within 185 days of testing, or within 370 days of testing if you consistently protect the reference filters from light exposure between tests.

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