Single State agency.

§ 431.10 Single State agency.

(a) Basis, purpose, and definitions. (1) This section implements section 1902(a)(4) and (5) of the Act.

(2) For purposes of this part—

Appeals decision means a decision made by a hearing officer adjudicating a fair hearing under subpart E of this part.

Exchange has the meaning given to the term in 45 CFR 155.20.

Exchange appeals entity has the meaning given to the term “appeals entity,” as defined in 45 CFR 155.500.

Medicaid agency is the single State agency for the Medicaid program.

(b) Designation and certification. A State plan must—

(1) Specify a single State agency established or designated to administer or supervise the administration of the plan; and

(2) Include a certification by the State Attorney General, citing the legal authority for the single State agency to—

(i) Administer or supervise the administration of the plan; and

(ii) Make rules and regulations that it follows in administering the plan or that are binding upon local agencies that administer the plan.

(3) The single State agency is responsible for determining eligibility for all individuals applying for or receiving benefits in accordance with regulations in part 435 of this chapter and for fair hearings filed in accordance with subpart E of this part.

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