Signature requirements.

§ 424.36 Signature requirements.

(a) General rule. The beneficiary's own signature is required on the claim unless the beneficiary has died or the provisions of paragraphs (b), (c), or (d) of this section apply. For purposes of this section, “the claim” includes the actual claim form or such other form that contains adequate notice to the beneficiary or other authorized individual that the purpose of the signature is to authorize a provider or supplier to submit a claim to Medicare for specified services furnished to the beneficiary.

(b) Who may sign when the beneficiary is incapable. If the beneficiary is physically or mentally incapable of signing the claim, the claim may be signed on his or her behalf by one of the following:

(1) The beneficiary's legal guardian.

(2) A relative or other person who receives social security or other governmental benefits on the beneficiary's behalf.

(3) A relative or other person who arranges for the beneficiary's treatment or exercises other responsibility for his or her affairs.

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