Services to individuals not receiving title IV-A assistance.

§ 302.33 Services to individuals not receiving title IV-A assistance.

(a) Availability of Services. (1) The State plan must provide that the services established under the plan shall be made available to any individual who:

(i) Files an application for the services with the IV-D agency. In an interstate case, only the initiating State may require an application under this section; or

(ii) Is a non-IV-A Medicaid recipient; or

(iii) Has been receiving IV-D services and is no longer eligible for assistance under the title IV-A, IV-E foster care, and Medicaid program.

(2) The State may not require an application, other request for services or an application fee from any individual who is eligible to receive services under paragraphs (a)(1) (ii) and (iii) of this section. If an individual receiving services under paragraph (a)(1)(iii) of this section refuses services in response to a notice under paragraph (a)(4) of this section, and subsequently requests services, that individual must file an application and pay an application fee.

(3) The State may not charge fees or recover costs from any individual who is eligible to receive services under paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this section.

(4) Whenever a family is no longer eligible for assistance under the State's title IV-A and Medicaid programs, the IV-D agency must notify the family, within 5 working days of the notification of ineligibility, that IV-D services will be continued unless the family notifies the IV-D agency that it no longer wants services but instead wants to close the case. This notice must inform the family of the benefits and consequences of continuing to receive IV-D services, including the available services and the State's fees, cost recovery, and distribution policies. This requirement to notify the family that services will be continued, unless the family notifies the IV-D agency to the contrary, also applies when a child is no longer eligible for IV-E foster care, but only in those cases that the IV-D agency determines that such services and notice would be appropriate.

(5) The State must provide all appropriate IV-D services, in addition to IV-D services related to securing medical support, to all individuals who are eligible to receive services under paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this section unless the individual notifies the State that only IV-D services related to securing medical support are wanted.

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