
§ 240.100 Scope.

(a) The prescribed guidelines are applicable to thermal processing facilities designed to process or which are processing 50 tons or more per day of municipal-type solid wastes. The application of this capacity criterion will be interpreted to mean any facility designed to process or actually processing 50/24 tons or more per hour. However, the guidelines do not apply to hazardous, agricultural, and mining wastes because of the lack of sufficient information upon which to base recommended procedures.

(b) The requirement sections contained herein delineate minimum levels of performance required of any solid waste thermal processing operation. The recommended procedures sections are presented to suggest preferred methods by which the objectives of the requirements can be realized. The recommended procedures are based on the practice of incineration at large facilities (50 tons per day or more) processing municipal solid waste. If techniques other than the recommended procedures are used or wastes other than municipal wastes are processed, it is the obligation of the facility's owner and operator to demonstrate to the responsible agency in advance by means of engineering calculations, pilot plant data, etc., that the techniques employed will satisfy the requirements.

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