Safeguarding information for the financial assistance programs.

§ 205.50 Safeguarding information for the financial assistance programs.

(a) State plan requirements. A State plan for financial assistance under title IV-A of the Social Security Act, must provide that:

(1) Pursuant to State statute which imposes legal sanctions:

(i) The use or disclosure of information concerning applicants and recipients will be limited to purposes directly connected with:

(A) The administration of the plan of the State approved under title IV-A, the plan or program of the State under title IV-B, IV-D, IV-E, or IV-F or under title I, X, XIV, XVI (AABD), XIX, XX, or the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program established by title XVI. Such purposes include establishing eligibility, determining the amount of assistance, and providing services for applicants and recipients.

(B) Any investigation, prosecution, or criminal or civil proceeding conducted in connection with the administration of any such plans or programs.

(C) The administration of any other Federal or federally assisted program which provides assistance, in cash or in kind, or services, directly to individuals on the basis of need.

(D) The verification to the Employment Security Agency, or other certifying agency that an individual has been an AFDC recipient for at least 90 days or is a WIN or WIN Demonstration participant pursuant to Pub. L. 97-34, the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981.

(E) Any audit or similar activity, e.g., review of expenditure reports or financial review, conducted in connection with the administration of any such plan or program by any governmental entity which is authorized by law to conduct such audit or activity.

(F) The administration of a State unemployment compensation program.

(G) The reporting to the appropriate agency or official of information on known or suspected instances of physical or mental injury, sexual abuse or exploitation, or negligent treatment or maltreatment of a child receiving aid under circumstances which indicate that the child's health or welfare is threatened.

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