RRC E-Alerts: January 2018

The following are summaries of news transmitted to RRC subscribers this month in email issues, the date of which is indicated in parentheses following each item. Weekly email and monthly print issues of RRC are archived on your subscriber-only website. Please call 888-580-8373 or email service@hcca-info.org if you require a password to access RRC’s subscriber-only website or are not receiving weekly email issues of the newsletter.

◆ The HHS Office of Research Integrity announced Dec. 8 that it had reached a settlement agreement with Mathew Endo, formerly a graduate student in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, related to falsifications and/or fabrications he made in a paper submitted to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. According to ORI, the paper, “Amphotericin primarily kills human cells by binding and extracting cholesterol,” was withdrawn before it underwent peer review. Endo’s actions included causing “falsified and/or fabricated results to be recorded by knowingly requesting biological testing of a mixture of compounds that he falsely claimed to be a single compound” and sharing false results of experiments with his advisor. The notice does not state when these events occurred. Endo agreed that he would submit a plan for supervision should he be engaged in any research funded by Public Health Service during a three-year period beginning Nov. 16. He also will not advise the agency during this period. (12/14/17)

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