Rodent heritable translocation assays.

§ 798.5460 Rodent heritable translocation assays.

(a) Purpose. This test detects transmitted chromosomal damage which manifests as balanced reciprocal translocations in progeny descended from parental males treated with chemical mutagens.

(b) Definitions. (1) A heritable translocation is one in which distal segments of nonhomologous chromosomes are involved in a reciprocal exchange.

(2) Diakinesis and metaphase I are stages of meiotic prophase scored cytologically for the presence of multivalent chromosome association characteristic of translocation carriers.

(c) Reference substances. Not applicable.

(d) Test method—(1) Principle. When a balanced reciprocal translocation is induced in a parental male germ cell, the resulting progeny is translocation heterozygote.

(i) Basis for fertility screening. Male translocation heterozygotes may be completely sterile. This class consists of two types of translocations:

(A) Translocations between non-homologous chromosomes in which at least one of the breaks occurs close to one end of a chromosome.

(B) Those that carry multiple translocations. The majority of male translocation heterozygotes are semisterile—they carry one or (rarely) two translocations. The degree of semisterility is dependent upon the proportions of balanced and unbalanced (duplication-deficiency) gametes produced in the ejaculate as a function of meiotic segregation. Balanced and unbalanced sperm are equally capable of fertilizing an egg. Balanced sperm lead to viable progeny. Unbalanced sperm result in early embryonic lethality.

(ii) Basis for cytological screening. The great majority of male translocation heterozygotes can be identified cytologically through analysis of diakinesis metaphase I spermatocytes. Translocation heterozygotes are characterized by the presence of multivalent chromosome association such as a ring or chain of four chromosomes held together by chiasmata in paired homologous regions. Some translocation carriers can be identified by the presence of extra long and/or extra short chromosomes in spermatogonial and somatic cell metaphase preparations.

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