Right to contractor hearing; contents of, and adding issues to, hearing request.

§ 405.1811 Right to contractor hearing; contents of, and adding issues to, hearing request.

(a) Right to hearing on final contractor determination. A provider (but no other individual, entity, or party) has a right to a contractor hearing, as a single provider appeal, with respect to a final contractor or Secretary determination for the provider's cost reporting period, if—

(1) The provider is dissatisfied with the contractor's final determination of the total amount of reimbursement due the provider, as set forth in the contractor's written notice pursuant to § 405.1803. Exception: If a final contractor determination is reopened under § 405.1885, any review by the contractor hearing officer must be limited solely to those matters that are specifically revised in the contractor's revised final determination (§§ 405.1887(d), 405.1889(b), and the “Exception” in § 405.1832(c)(2)(i)).

(2) The amount in controversy (as determined in accordance with § 405.1839) must be at least $1,000 but less than $10,000.

(3) Unless the provider qualifies for a good cause extension under § 405.1813, the date of receipt by the contractor of the provider's hearing request must be no later than 180 days after the date of receipt by the provider of the final contractor or Secretary determination.

(b) Contents of request for a contractor hearing on final contractor determination. The provider's request for a contractor hearing under paragraph (a) of this section must be submitted in writing to the contractor, and the request must include the elements described in paragraphs (b)(1) through (b)(3) of this section. If the provider submits a hearing request that does not meet the requirements of paragraph (b)(1), (b)(2), or (b)(3) of this section, the contractor hearing officer may dismiss with prejudice the appeal or take any other remedial action he or she considers appropriate.

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