Review of new sources and modifications.

§ 52.780 Review of new sources and modifications.

(a) The requirements of § 51.160(a) of this chapter are not met in that the plan does not contain procedures to enable the State to determine whether construction or modification of coal burning equipment having a heat input of between 350,000 Btu per hour and 1,500,000 Btu per hour will result in violations of applicable portions of the control strategy and section 4(a)(2)(iii) of APC-19 is disapproved to the extent that it exempts coal burning equipment having a heat input of between 350,000 Btu per hour and 1,500,000 Btu per hour from pre-construction/modification review.

(b)-(c) [Reserved]

(d) Limited regulation for the review of new sources and modifications. (1) This requirement is applicable to any coal burning equipment other than smokehouse generators, having a heat input of between 350,000 Btu per hour (88.2 Mg-cal/h) and 1,500,000 Btu per hour (378.0 MG cal/h), the construction of which was commenced after May 14, 1973.

(2) No owner or operator shall commence construction or modification of any coal burning equipment subject to this regulation without first obtaining approval from the Administrator of the location and design of such source.

(i) Application for approval to construct or modify shall be made on forms furnished by the Administrator,

(ii) A separate application is required for each source.

(iii) Each application shall be signed by the applicant.

(iv) Each application shall be accompanied by site information, plans, descriptions, specifications, and drawings showing the design of the source, the nature and amount of emissions, and the manner in which it will be operated and controlled.

(v) Any additional information, plans, specifications, evidence, or documentation that the Administrator may require shall be furnished upon request.

(3) No approval to construct or modify will be granted unless the applicant shows to the satisfaction of the Administrator that:

(i) The source will operate without causing a violation of any local, State, or Federal regulation which is part of the applicable plan; and

(ii) The source will not prevent or interfere with attainment or maintenance of any national standard.


(i) Within twenty (20) days after receipt of an application to construct, or any addition to such application, the Administrator shall advise the owner or operator of any deficiency in the information submitted in support of the application. In the event of such a deficiency, the date of receipt of the application for the purpose of paragraph (d)(4)(ii) of this section, shall be the date on which all required information is received by the Administrator.

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