Review of claim.

§ 350.11 Review of claim.

(a) Determination of sufficiency. When EPA receives a petition submitted pursuant to § 350.15, or if EPA initiates a determination of the validity of a trade secrecy claim for chemical identity, and EPA has made a determination, as required in paragraph (d)(1) of § 350.9, then EPA shall determine whether the submitter has presented sufficient support for its claim of trade secrecy in its substantiation. EPA must make such a determination within 30 days of receipt of a petition. A claim of trade secrecy for chemical identity will be considered sufficient if, assuming all of the information presented in the substantiation is true, this supporting information could support a valid claim of trade secrecy. A claim is sufficient if it meets the criteria set forth in § 350.13.

(1) Sufficient claim. If the claim meets the criteria of sufficiency set forth in § 350.13, EPA shall notify the submitter in writing, by certified mail (return receipt requested), that it has 30 days from the date of receipt of the notice to submit supplemental information in writing in accordance with § 350.7(e), to support the truth of the facts asserted in the substantiation. EPA will not accept any supplemental information, in response to this notice, submitted after the 30 day period has expired. The notice required by this section shall include the address to which supplemental information must be sent. The notice may specifically request supplemental information in particular areas relating to the submitter's claim. The notice must also inform the submitter of his right to claim any trade secret or confidential business information as confidential, and shall include a reference to § 350.7(e) of this regulation as the source for the proper procedure for claiming trade secrecy for trade secret or confidential business information submitted in the supplemental information requested by EPA.

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