Review and withdrawal of approval.

§ 63.96 Review and withdrawal of approval.

(a) Submission of information for review of approval. (1) The Administrator may at any time request any of the following information to review the adequacy of implementation and enforcement of an approved rule or program and the State shall provide that information within 45 days of the Administrator's request:

(i) Copies of any State statutes, rules, regulations or other requirements that have amended, repealed or revised the approved State rule or program since approval or since the immediately previous EPA review;

(ii) Information to demonstrate adequate State enforcement and compliance monitoring activities with respect to all approved State rules and with all section 112 rules, emission standards or requirements;

(iii) Information to demonstrate adequate funding, staff, and other resources to implement and enforce the State's approved rule or program;

(iv) A schedule for implementing the State's approved rule or program that assures compliance with all section 112 rules and requirements that the EPA has promulgated since approval or since the immediately previous EPA review,

(v) A list of part 70 or other permits issued, amended, revised, or revoked since approval or since immediately previous EPA review, for sources subject to a State rule or program approved under this subpart.

(vi) A summary of enforcement actions by the State regarding violations of section 112 requirements, including but not limited to administrative orders and judicial and administrative complaints and settlements.

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