Review of and objection to State permits.

§ 233.50 Review of and objection to State permits.

(a) The Director shall promptly transmit to the Regional Administrator:

(1) A copy of the public notice for any complete permit applications received by the Director, except those for which permit review has been waived under § 233.51. The State shall supply the Regional Administrator with copies of public notices for permit applications for which permit review has been waived whenever requested by EPA.

(2) A copy of a draft general permit whenever the State intends to issue a general permit.

(3) Notice of every significant action taken by the State agency related to the consideration of any permit application except those for which Federal review has been waived or draft general permit.

(4) A copy of every issued permit.

(5) A copy of the Director's response to another State's comments/recommendations, if the Director does not accept these recommendations (§ 233.32(a)).

(b) Unless review has been waived under § 233.51, the Regional Administrator shall provide a copy of each public notice, each draft general permit, and other information needed for review of the application to the Corps, FWS, and NMFS, within 10 days of receipt. These agencies shall notify the Regional Administrator within 15 days of their receipt if they wish to comment on the public notice or draft general permit. Such agencies should submit their evaluation and comments to the Regional Administrator within 50 days of such receipt. The final decision to comment, object or to require permit conditions shall be made by the Regional Administrator. (These times may be shortened by mutual agreement of the affected Federal agencies and the State.)

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