Review and approval procedures.

§ 501.31 Review and approval procedures.

(a) EPA shall approve or disapprove a State's application for approval of its State sludge management program within 90 days after receiving a complete program submission.

(b) Within 30 days of receipt by EPA of a State program submission, EPA will notify the State whether its submission is complete. If EPA finds that a State's submission is complete, the 90-day review period will be deemed to have begun on the date of the completeness determination. If EPA finds that a State's submission is incomplete, the review period will not begin until all the necessary information is received by EPA.

(c) After determining that a State program submission is complete, EPA will publish notice of the State's application in the Federal Register and in enough of the largest newspapers in the State to attract statewide attention. EPA will mail notices to persons known to be interested in such matters, including all persons on appropriate State and EPA mailing lists and all treatment works treating domestic sewage listed on the inventory required by § 501.12(f) of this part. The notice will:

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