Restriction in payment to households headed by a minor parent.

§ 233.107 Restriction in payment to households headed by a minor parent.

(a) State plan requirements. A State in its title IV-A State plan may provide that a minor parent and the dependent child in his or her care must reside in the household of a parent, legal guardian, or other adult relative, or in an adult-supervised supportive living arrangement in order to receive, AFDC unless:

(1) The minor parent has no living parent or legal guardian whose whereabouts is known;

(2) No living parent or legal guardian of the minor parent allows the minor parent to live in his or her home;

(3) The minor parent lived apart from his or her own parent or legal guardian for a period of at least one year before either the birth of the dependent child or the parent's having made application for AFDC;

(4) The physical or emotional health or safety of the minor parent or dependent child would be jeopardized if they resided in the same residence with the minor parent's parent or legal guardian;

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