Responsibilities of the NEPA and Responsible Officials.

§ 6.103 Responsibilities of the NEPA and Responsible Officials.

(a) The NEPA Official will:

(1) Ensure EPA's compliance with NEPA pursuant to 40 CFR 1507.2(a) and the regulations in subparts A through C of this part.

(2) Act as EPA's liaison with the CEQ and other federal agencies, state and local governments, and federally-recognized Indian tribes on matters of policy and administrative procedures regarding compliance with NEPA.

(3) Approve procedural deviations from subparts A through C of this part.

(4) Monitor the overall timeliness and quality of EPA's compliance with subparts A through C of this part.

(5) Advise the Administrator on NEPA-related actions that involve more than one EPA office, are highly controversial, are nationally significant, or establish new EPA NEPA-related policy.

(6) Support the Administrator by providing policy guidance on NEPA-related issues.

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