Requirements with respect to carrying out purpose of grants

42 U.S. Code § 290ff-1. Requirements with respect to carrying out purpose of grants

(a) Systems of comprehensive care
(1) In general
A funding agreement for a grant under section 290ff(a) of this title is that, with respect to children with a serious emotional disturbance, the public entity involved will carry out the purpose described in such section only through establishing and operating 1 or more systems of care for making each of the mental health services specified in subsection (c) available to each child provided access to the system. In providing for such a system, the public entity may make grants to, and enter into contracts with, public and nonprofit private entities.
(2) Structure of systemA funding agreement for a grant under section 290ff(a) of this title is that a system of care under paragraph (1) will—
be established in a community selected by the public entity involved;
consist of such public agencies and nonprofit private entities in the community as are necessary to ensure that each of the services specified in subsection (c) is available to each child provided access to the system;
be established pursuant to agreements that the public entity enters into with the agencies and entities described in subparagraph (B);
coordinate the provision of the services of the system; and
establish an office whose functions are to serve as the location through which children are provided access to the system, to coordinate the provision of services of the system, and to provide information to the public regarding the system.
(3) Collaboration of local public entities
A funding agreement for a grant under section 290ff(a) of this title is that, for purposes of the establishment and operation of a system of care under paragraph (1), the public entity involved will seek collaboration among all public agencies that provide human services in the community in which the system is established, including but not limited to those providing mental health services, educational services, child welfare services, or juvenile justice services.
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