Requirements for Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program suppliers.

§ 424.205 Requirements for Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program suppliers.

(a) Definitions. In addition to the definitions specified at § 410.79(b) and § 414.84(a) of this subchapter, the following definitions apply to this section:

Administrative location means a physical location associated with the MDPP supplier's operations where they are the primary operator in the space, from where coaches are dispatched or based, and where MDPP services may or may not be furnished.

Coach means an individual who furnishes MDPP services on behalf of an MDPP supplier as an employee, contractor, or volunteer.

Coach eligibility end date means the end date indicated by the MDPP supplier in submitting a change to the supplier's MDPP enrollment application in accordance with paragraph (d)(5) of this section that removed the coach's information, or the date the supplier itself was revoked from or withdrew its Medicare enrollment as an MDPP supplier.

Coach eligibility start date, means the start date indicated by the MDPP supplier when submitting the coach's information on the MDPP enrollment application.

Community setting means a location where the MDPP supplier furnishes MDPP services outside of their administrative locations. A community setting is a location open to the public not primarily associated with the supplier. Community settings may include, for example, church basements or multipurpose rooms in recreation centers.

Eligible coach means an individual who CMS has screened and has determined can provide MDPP services on behalf of an MDPP supplier in accordance with paragraph (e) of this section.

Ineligible coach means an individual whom CMS has screened and has determined cannot provide MDPP services on behalf of an MDPP supplier in accordance with paragraph (e) of this section.

(b) Conditions for MDPP supplier enrollment. An entity may enroll as an MDPP supplier only if it satisfies the following requirements and all other applicable Medicare enrollment requirements:

(1) Has either preliminary, full, full plus CDC DPRP recognition.

(2) Maintains an active and valid TIN and NPI at the organizational level.

(3) Has passed screening requirements as follows:

(i) Upon initial enrollment, at a “high” categorical risk in accordance with § 424.518(c)(2); and

(ii) Upon revalidation, at a “moderate” categorical risk in accordance with § 424.518(b)(2).

(4) Maintains, and submits to CMS through the CMS-approved enrollment application, a roster of all coaches who will be furnishing MDPP services on the entity's behalf that includes each coach's first and last names, middle initial (if applicable), date of birth, Social Security Number (SSN), active and valid NPI, coach eligibility start date, and coach eligibility end date (if applicable). This roster must be updated in accordance with paragraph (d)(5) of this section.

(5) The Medicare provider enrollment application fee does not apply to all Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program (MDPP) suppliers that submit an enrollment application on or after January 1, 2022.

(6) Meets and certifies in its CMS-approved enrollment application that it meets and will continue to meet the supplier enrollment standards described in paragraph (d) of this section.

(7) Revalidates its Medicare enrollment every 5 years after the effective date of enrollment.

(c) Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program supplier standards. An MDPP supplier must meet and must certify in its CMS-approved enrollment application that it meets and will continue to meet the following standards.

(1) The MDPP supplier must have and maintain preliminary, full, or full plus CDC DPRP recognition.

(2) The MDPP supplier must not currently have its billing privileges terminated for-cause or be excluded by a State Medicaid agency.

(3) The MDPP supplier must not include on the roster of coaches, described in paragraph (b)(4) of this section and updated in accordance with paragraph (d)(5) of this section, nor permit MDPP services to be furnished by, any individual coach who meets any of ineligibility criteria outlined in paragraph (e)(1) of this section.

(4) The MDPP supplier must maintain at least one administrative location. All administrative locations maintained by the MDPP supplier must be located at an appropriate site and be reported on the CMS-approved enrollment application. An appropriate site for such an administrative location would include all of the following characteristics:

(i) Signage posted on the exterior of the building or suite, in a building directory, or on materials located inside of the building. Such signage may include, for example, the MDPP supplier's legal business name or DBA, as well as hours of operation.

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