Requirement to provide public notice of Federal financial assistance programs.

§ 200.203 Requirement to provide public notice of Federal financial assistance programs.

(a) The Federal awarding agency must notify the public of Federal programs in the Federal Assistance Listings maintained by the General Services Administration (GSA).

(1) The Federal Assistance Listings is the single, authoritative, governmentwide comprehensive source of Federal financial assistance program information produced by the executive branch of the Federal Government.

(2) The information that the Federal awarding agency must submit to GSA for approval by OMB is listed in paragraph (b) of this section. GSA must prescribe the format for the submission in coordination with OMB.

(3) The Federal awarding agency may not award Federal financial assistance without assigning it to a program that has been included in the Federal Assistance Listings as required in this section unless there are exigent circumstances requiring otherwise, such as timing requirements imposed by statute.

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