Requests and scheduling for onsite consultation.

§ 1908.5 Requests and scheduling for onsite consultation.

(a) Encouraging requests—(1) State responsibility. The State shall be responsible for encouraging employers to request consultative assistance and shall publicize the availability of its consultative service and the scope of the service which will be provided. The Assistant Secretary will also engage in activities to publicize and promote the program.

(2) Promotional methods. To inform employers of the availability of its consultative service and to encourage requests, the State may use methods such as the following:

(i) Paid newspaper advertisements;

(ii) Newspaper, magazine, and trade publication articles;

(iii) Special direct mailings or telephone solicitations to establishments based on workers' compensation data or other appropriate listings;

(iv) In-person visits to workplaces to explain the availability of the service, and participation at employer conferences and seminars;

(v) Solicitation of support from State business and labor organizations and leaders, and public officials;

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