Reports to the Environmental Protection Agency.

§ 600.514-12 Reports to the Environmental Protection Agency.

This section establishes requirements for automobile manufacturers to submit reports to the Environmental Protection Agency regarding their efforts to reduce automotive greenhouse gas emissions.

(a) General Requirements. (1) For each model year, each manufacturer shall submit a pre-model year report.

(2) The pre-model year report required by this section for each model year must be submitted before the model year begins and before the certification of any test group, no later than December 31 of the calendar year two years before the model year. For example the pre-model year report for the 2012 model year must be submitted no later than December 31, 2010.

(3) Each report required by this section must:

(i) Identify the report as a pre-model year report;

(ii) Identify the manufacturer submitting the report;

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