Reporting requirements.

§ 63.468 Reporting requirements.

(a) Each owner or operator of an existing solvent cleaning machine subject to the provisions of this subpart shall submit an initial notification report to the Administrator no later than August 29, 1995, or no later than 120 days after the source becomes subject to this subpart, whichever is later. This report shall include the information specified in paragraphs (a)(1) through (6) of this section.

(1) The name and address of the owner or operator.

(2) The address (i.e., physical location) of the solvent cleaning machine(s).

(3) A brief description of each solvent cleaning machine including machine type (batch vapor, batch cold, vapor in-line or cold in-line), solvent/air interface area, and existing controls.

(4) The date of installation for each solvent cleaning machine or a letter certifying that the solvent cleaning machine was installed prior to, or after, November 29, 1993.

(5) The anticipated compliance approach for each solvent cleaning machine.

(6) An estimate of annual halogenated HAP solvent consumption for each solvent cleaning machine.

(b) Each owner or operator of a new solvent cleaning machine subject to the provisions of this subpart shall submit an initial notification report to the Administrator. New sources for which construction or reconstruction had commenced and initial startup had not occurred before December 2, 1994, shall submit this report as soon as practicable before startup but no later than January 31, 1995, or no later than 120 days after the source becomes subject to this subpart, whichever is later. New sources for which the construction or reconstruction commenced after December 2, 1994, shall submit this report as soon as practicable before the construction or reconstruction is planned to commence or for sources which reclassify to major source status, no later than 120 days after the source becomes subject to this subpart. This report shall include all of the information required in § 63.5(d)(1) of subpart A (General Provisions), with the revisions and additions in paragraphs (b)(1) through (b)(3) of this section.

(1) The report shall include a brief description of each solvent cleaning machine including machine type (batch vapor, batch cold, vapor in-line, or cold-line), solvent/air interface area, and existing controls.

(2) The report shall include the anticipated compliance approach for each solvent cleaning machine.

(3) In lieu of § 63.5(d)(1)(ii)(H) of subpart A of this part, the owner or operator must report an estimate of annual halogenated HAP solvent consumption for each solvent cleaning machine.

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