Reporting requirements.

§ 63.347 Reporting requirements.

(a) The owner or operator of each affected source subject to these standards shall fulfill all reporting requirements outlined in this section and in the General Provisions to 40 CFR part 63, according to the applicability of subpart A as identified in Table 1 of this subpart. These reports shall be made to the Administrator at the appropriate address as identified in § 63.13 or to the delegated State authority.

(1) Reports required by subpart A of this part and this section may be sent by U.S. mail, fax, or by another courier.

(i) Submittals sent by U.S. mail shall be postmarked on or before the specified date.

(ii) Submittals sent by other methods shall be received by the Administrator on or before the specified date.

(2) If acceptable to both the Administrator and the owner or operator of an affected source, reports may be submitted on electronic media.

(b) The reporting requirements of this section apply to the owner or operator of an affected source when such source becomes subject to the provisions of this subpart.

(c) Initial notifications. (1) The owner or operator of an affected source that has an initial startup before January 25, 1995, shall notify the Administrator in writing that the source is subject to this subpart. The notification shall be submitted no later than 180 calendar days after January 25, 1995, or no later than 120 days after the source becomes subject to this subpart, whichever is later, and shall contain the following information:

(i) The name, title, and address of the owner or operator;

(ii) The address (i.e., physical location) of each affected source;

(iii) A statement that subpart N of this part is the basis for this notification;

(iv) Identification of the applicable emission limitation and compliance date for each affected source;

(v) A brief description of each affected source, including the type of process operation performed;

(vi) For sources performing hard chromium electroplating, the maximum potential cumulative potential rectifier capacity;

(vii) For sources performing hard chromium electroplating, a statement of whether the affected source(s) is located at a small or a large, hard chromium electroplating facility and whether this will be demonstrated through actual or maximum potential cumulative rectifier capacity;

(viii) For sources performing hard chromium electroplating, a statement of whether the owner or operator of an affected source(s) will limit the maximum potential cumulative rectifier capacity in accordance with § 63.342(c)(2) such that the hard chromium electroplating facility is considered small; and

(ix) A statement of whether the affected source is located at a major source or an area source as defined in § 63.2.

(2) The owner or operator of a new or reconstructed affected source that has an initial startup after January 25, 1995 shall submit an initial notification (in addition to the notification of construction or reconstruction required by § 63.345(b) as follows:

(i) A notification of the date when construction or reconstruction was commenced, shall be submitted simultaneously with the notification of construction or reconstruction, if construction or reconstruction was commenced before January 25, 1995;

(ii) A notification of the date when construction or reconstruction was commenced, shall be submitted no later than 30 calendar days after such date, if construction or reconstruction was commenced after January 25, 1995; and

(iii) A notification of the actual date of startup of the source shall be submitted within 30 calendar days after such date.

(d) Notification of performance test. (1) The owner or operator of an affected source shall notify the Administrator in writing of his or her intention to conduct a performance test at least 60 calendar days before the test is scheduled to begin to allow the Administrator to have an observer present during the test. Observation of the performance test by the Administrator is optional.

(2) In the event the owner or operator is unable to conduct the performance test as scheduled, the provisions of § 63.7(b)(2) apply.

(e) Notification of compliance status. (1) A notification of compliance status is required each time that an affected source becomes subject to the requirements of this subpart.

(2) If the State in which the source is located has not been delegated the authority to implement the rule, each time a notification of compliance status is required under this part, the owner or operator of an affected source shall submit to the Administrator a notification of compliance status, signed by the responsible official (as defined in § 63.2) who shall certify its accuracy, attesting to whether the affected source has complied with this subpart. If the State has been delegated the authority, the notification of compliance status shall be submitted to the appropriate authority. The notification shall list for each affected source:

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