Reporting importers and by persons generating PCBs in excluded manufacturing processes.

§ 761.187 Reporting importers and by persons generating PCBs in excluded manufacturing processes.

In addition to meeting the basic requirements of § 761.1(f) and the definition of excluded manufacturing process at § 761.3, PCB-generating manufacturing processes or importers of PCB-containing products shall be considered “excluded manufacturing processes” only when the following conditions are met:

(a) Data are reported to the EPA by the owner/operator or importer concerning the total quantity of PCBs in product from excluded manufacturing processes leaving any manufacturing site in any calendar year when such quantity exceeds 0.0025 percent of that site's rated capacity for such manufacturing processes as of October 1, 1984; or the total quantity of PCBs imported in any calendar year when such quantity exceeds 0.0025 percent of the average total quantity of such product containing PCBs imported by such importer during the years 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981 and 1982.

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