Reorganization Plan No. 14 of 1950.

§ 1926.12 Reorganization Plan No. 14 of 1950.

(a) General provisions. Reorganization Plan No. 14 of 1950 relates to the prescribing by the Secretary of Labor of “appropriate standards, regulations, and procedures” with respect to the enforcement of labor standards under Federal and federally assisted contracts which are subject to various statutes subject to the Plan. The rules of the Secretary of Labor implementing the Plan are published in part 5 of this title. Briefly, the statutes subject to the Plan include the Davis-Bacon Act, including its extension to Federal-aid highway legislation subject to 23 U.S.C. 113, and other statutes subject to the Plan by its original terms, statutes by which the Plan is expressly applied, such as the Contract Work Hours Standards Act by virtue of section 104(d) thereof.

(b) The Plan. (1) The statutes subject to Reorganization Plan No. 14 of 1950 are cited and briefly described in the remaining paragraphs of this section. These descriptions are general in nature and not intended to convey the full scope of the work to be performed under each statute. The individual statutes should be resorted to for a more detailed scope of the work.

(2) Federal-Aid Highway Acts. The provisions codified in 23 U.S.C. 113 apply to the initial construction, reconstruction, or improvement work performed by contractors or subcontractors on highway projects on the Federal-aid systems, the primary and secondary, as well as their extensions in urban areas, and the Interstate System, authorized under the highway laws providing for the expenditure of Federal funds upon the Federal-aid system. As cited in 41 Op. A.G. 488, 496, the Attorney General ruled that the Federal-Aid Highway Acts are subject to Reorganization Plan No. 14 of 1950.

(3) National Housing Act (12 U.S.C. 1713, 1715a, 1715e, 1715k, 1715l(d)(3) and (4), 1715v, 1715w, 1715x, 1743, 1747, 1748, 1748h-2, 1750g, 1715l(h)(1), 1715z(j)(1), 1715z-1, 1715y(d), Subchapter 1x-A and 1x-B, 1715z-7). This act covers construction which is financed with assistance by the Federal Government through programs of loan and mortgage insurance for the following purposes:

(i) Rental Housing—Section 1713 provides mortgage and insurance on rental housing of eight or more units and on mobile-home courts.

(ii) Section 1715a—Repealed.

(iii) Cooperative Housing—Section 1715e authorizes mortgage insurance on cooperative housing of five or more units as well as supplementary loans for improvement of repair or resale of memberships.

(iv) Urban Renewal Housing—Section 1715k provides mortgage insurance on single family or multifamily housing in approved urban renewal areas.

(v) Low or Moderate Income Housing—Section 1715L(d) (3) and (4) insures mortgages on low-cost single family or multifamily housing.

(vi) Housing for Elderly—Section 1715v provides mortgage insurance on rental housing for elderly or handicapped persons.

(vii) Nursing Homes—Section 1715w authorizes mortgage insurance on nursing home facilities and major equipment.

(viii) Experimental Housing—Section 1715x provides mortgage insurance on single family or multifamily housing with experimental design of materials.

(ix) War Housing Insurance—Section 1743 not active.

(x) Yield Insurance—Section 1747 insures investment returns on multifamily housing.

(xi) Armed Services Housing—Section 1748b to assist in relieving acute shortage and urgent need for family housing at or in areas adjacent to military installations.

(xii) Defense Housing for Impacted Areas—Section 1748h-2 provides mortgage insurance on single family or multifamily housing for sale or rent primarily to military or civilian personnel of the Armed Services, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, or Atomic Energy Commission.

(xiii) Defense Rental Housing—Section 1750g provides for mortgage insurance in critical defense housing areas.

(xiv) Rehabilitation—Section 1715L (h)(1) provides mortgage insurance for nonprofit organizations to finance the purchase and rehabilitation of deteriorating or substandard housing for subsequent resale to low-income home purchasers. There must be located on the property five or more single family dwellings of detached, semidetached, or row construction.

(xv) Homeowner Assistance—Section 1715Z(j)(1) authorizes mortgage insurance to nonprofit organizations or public bodies or agencies executed to finance sale of individual dwellings to lower income individuals or families. Also includes the rehabilitation of such housing if it is deteriorating or substandard for subsequent resale to lower income home purchasers.

(xvi) Rental Housing Assistance—Section 1715Z-1 authorizes mortgage insurance and interest reduction payments on behalf of owners of rental housing projects designed for occupancy by lower income families. Payments are also authorized for certain State or locally aided projects.

(xvii) Condominium Housing—Section 1715y(d) provides mortgage insurance on property purchased for the development of building sites. This includes waterlines and water supply installations, sewer lines and sewage disposal installations, steam, gas, and electrical lines and installations, roads, streets, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, storm drainage facilities, and other installations or work.

(xviii) Group Medical Practice Facilities—Subchapter LX-B authorizes mortgage insurance for the financing of construction and equipment, of facilities for group practice of medicine, optometry, or dentistry.

(xix) Nonprofit Hospitals—1715z-7 authorizes mortgage insurance to cover new and rehabilitated hospitals, including initial equipment.

(4) Hospital Survey and Construction Act, as amended by the Hospital and Medical Facilities Amendments of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 291e).The provisions of this Act cover construction contracts made by State or local authorities or private institutions under Federal grant-in-aid programs for the construction of hospitals and other medical facilities.

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