Remedial action procedures.

§ 77.5 Remedial action procedures.

Except as provided in § 77.6, the Department will use the following procedures whenever it seeks the remedial action specified in § 77.4.

(a) Notice. Prior to taking remedial action, the Department will provide the recipient organization written notice of its intended action setting forth both the legal and factual reasons therefor. Notice may be provided by certified or express mail, TWX, telegram, delivery, or similar means.

(b) Opportunity to respond. (1) The recipient organization has 30 days after receipt of the notice in which to submit to the Department a written statement setting forth any legal and factual reasons why it believes the proposed remedial action would be inappropriate. If no response is received by the Department within the 30-day period, the Department may make the proposed remedial action effective immediately. If a response opposing the taking of remedial action is received from the recipient organization within the 30-day period, no remedial action will be taken until a final decision has been reached under paragraph (c) of this section. (2) The Department may prepare a written reply to the recipient organization's response. Any such reply will be forwarded to the deciding official together with the notice sent to the recipient organization and the organization's response, and a copy of the reply will be served on the recipient organization.

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