Registrants who distribute or sell pesticide products in refillable containers.

§ 165.65 Registrants who distribute or sell pesticide products in refillable containers.

(a) Must I comply with the standards in this section? You must comply with the standards in this section if you are a registrant who distributes or sells pesticide products in refillable containers. This means that you conduct all of the repackaging for a pesticide product and that you do not distribute or sell the pesticide product to a refiller that is not part of your company for repackaging into refillable containers. If you are a registrant that repackages a product directly into refillable containers for sale or distribution and you also sell or distribute other quantities of that product to an independent refiller for repackaging, then you must meet the requirements in this section for those quantities you distribute or sell directly and the requirements in § 165.67 for those quantities that you distribute or sell to an independent refiller.

(b) Am I responsible for product integrity? Yes, you are responsible for the pesticide product that you distribute or sell in refillable containers not being adulterated or different from the composition described in its confidential statement of formula that is required under FIFRA section 3.

(c) What information must I develop? For each pesticide product distributed or sold in refillable containers, you must develop both of the following documents in writing.

(1) You must develop a refilling residue removal procedure that describes how to remove pesticide residue from a refillable container (portable or stationary pesticide container) before it is refilled.

(i) The refilling residue removal procedure must be adequate to ensure that the composition of the pesticide product does not differ at the time of its distribution or sale from the composition described in its confidential statement of formula that is required under FIFRA section 3.

(ii) If the refilling residue removal procedure requires the use of a solvent other than the diluent used for applying the pesticide as specified on the labeling under “Directions for Use,” or if there is no diluent used for application, the refilling residue removal procedure must describe how to manage any rinsate resulting from the procedure in accordance with applicable Federal and State regulations.

(2) You must develop a description of acceptable refillable containers (portable or stationary pesticide containers) that can be used for distributing or selling that pesticide product.

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