Reduced utilization for combustion sources.

§ 74.44 Reduced utilization for combustion sources.

(a) Calculation of utilization—(1) Annual utilization. (i) Except as provided in paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this section, annual utilization for the calendar year shall be calculated as follows:

Annual Utilization = Actual heat input + Reduction from improved efficiency


(A) “Actual heat input” shall be the actual annual heat input (in mmBtu) of the opt-in source for the calendar year determined in accordance with appendix F of part 75 of this chapter.

(B) “Reduction from improved efficiency” shall be the sum of the following four elements: Reduction from demand side measures that improve the efficiency of electricity consumption; reduction from demand side measures that improve the efficiency of steam consumption; reduction from improvements in the heat rate at the opt-in source; and reduction from improvement in the efficiency of steam production at the opt-in source. Qualified demand side measures applicable to the calculation of utilization for opt-in sources are listed in appendix A, section 1 of part 73 of this chapter.

(C) “Reduction from demand side measures that improve the efficiency of electricity consumption” shall be a good faith estimate of the expected kilowatt hour savings during the calendar year for such measures and the corresponding reduction in heat input (in mmBtu) resulting from those measures. The demand side measures shall be implemented at the opt-in source, in the residence or facility to which the opt-in source delivers electricity for consumption or in the residence or facility of a customer to whom the opt-in source's utility system sells electricity. The verified amount of such reduction shall be submitted in accordance with paragraph (c)(2) of this section.

(D) “Reduction from demand side measures that improve the efficiency of steam consumption” shall be a good faith estimate of the expected steam savings (in mmBtu) from such measures during the calendar year and the corresponding reduction in heat input (in mmBtu) at the opt-in source as a result of those measures. The demand side measures shall be implemented at the opt-in source or in the facility to which the opt-in source delivers steam for consumption. The verified amount of such reduction shall be submitted in accordance with paragraph (c)(2) of this section.

(E) “Reduction from improvements in heat rate” shall be a good faith estimate of the expected reduction in heat rate during the calendar year and the corresponding reduction in heat input (in mmBtu) at the opt-in source as a result of all improved unit efficiency measures at the opt-in source and may include supply-side measures listed in appendix A, section 2.1 of part 73 of this chapter. The verified amount of such reduction shall be submitted in accordance with paragraph (c)(2) of this section.

(F) “Reduction from improvement in the efficiency of steam production at the opt-in source” shall be a good faith estimate of the expected improvement in the efficiency of steam production at the opt-in source during the calendar year and the corresponding reduction in heat input (in mmBtu) at the opt-in source as a result of all improved steam production efficiency measures. In order to claim improvements in the efficiency of steam production, the designated representative of the opt-in source must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Administrator that the heat rate of the opt-in source has not increased. The verified amount of such reduction shall be submitted in accordance with paragraph (c)(2) of this section.

(G) Notwithstanding paragraph (a)(1)(i)(B) of this section, where two or more opt-in sources, or two or more opt-in sources and Phase I units, include in their annual compliance certification reports their good faith estimate of kilowatt hour savings or steam savings from the same specific measures:

(1) The designated representatives of all such opt-in sources and Phase I units shall submit with their annual compliance certification reports a certification signed by all such designated representatives. The certification shall apportion the total kilowatt hour savings or steam savings among such opt-in sources and Phase I units.

(2) Each designated representative shall include in its annual compliance certification report only its share of kilowatt hour savings or steam savings.

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