Recordkeeping requirements for gasoline manufacturers.

§ 1090.1210 Recordkeeping requirements for gasoline manufacturers.

(a) Overview. In addition to the requirements in § 1090.1205, a gasoline manufacturer must keep records for each of their facilities that include the information in this section.

(b) Batch records. For each batch of gasoline, a gasoline manufacturer must keep records of the following information:

(1) The results of tests, including any calculations necessary to transcribe or correlate test results into reported values under subpart J of this part, performed to determine gasoline properties and characteristics as specified in subpart N of this part.

(2) The batch volume.

(3) The batch number.

(4) The date the batch was produced or imported.

(5) The designation of the batch under § 1090.1010.

(6) The PTDs for any gasoline produced or imported.

(7) The PTDs for any gasoline received.

(c) Downstream oxygenate accounting. For BOB for which the gasoline manufacturer has accounted for oxygenate added downstream under § 1090.710, a gasoline manufacturer must keep records of the following information:

(1) The test results for hand blends prepared under § 1090.1340.

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