Recordkeeping requirements.

§ 63.181 Recordkeeping requirements.

(a) An owner or operator of more than one process unit subject to the provisions of this subpart may comply with the recordkeeping requirements for these process units in one recordkeeping system if the system identifies each record by process unit and the program being implemented (e.g., quarterly monitoring, quality improvement) for each type of equipment. All records and information required by this section shall be maintained in a manner that can be readily accessed at the plant site. This could include physically locating the records at the plant site or accessing the records from a central location by computer at the plant site.

(b) Except as provided in paragraph (e) of this section, the following information pertaining to all equipment in each process unit subject to the requirements in §§ 63.162 through 63.174 of this subpart shall be recorded:


(i) A list of identification numbers for equipment (except connectors exempt from monitoring and recordkeeping identified in § 63.174 of this subpart and instrumentation systems) subject to the requirements of this subpart. Connectors need not be individually identified if all connectors in a designated area or length of pipe subject to the provisions of this subpart are identified as a group, and the number of connectors subject is indicated. With respect to connectors, the list shall be complete no later than the completion of the initial survey required by § 63.174 (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this subpart.

(ii) A schedule by process unit for monitoring connectors subject to the provisions of § 63.174(a) of this subpart and valves subject to the provisions of § 63.168(d) of this subpart.

(iii) Physical tagging of the equipment to indicate that it is in organic HAP service is not required. Equipment subject to the provisions of this subpart may be identified on a plant site plan, in log entries, or by other appropriate methods.


(i) A list of identification numbers for equipment that the owner or operator elects to equip with a closed-vent system and control device, under the provisions of § 63.163(g), § 63.164(h), § 63.165(c), or § 63.173(f) of this subpart.

(ii) A list of identification numbers for compressors that the owner or operator elects to designate as operating with an instrument reading of less than 500 parts per million above background, under the provisions of § 63.164(i) of this subpart.

(iii) Identification of surge control vessels or bottoms receivers subject to the provisions of this subpart that the owner or operator elects to equip with a closed-vent system and control device, under the provisions of § 63.170 of this subpart.


(i) A list of identification numbers for pressure relief devices subject to the provisions in § 63.165(a) of this subpart.

(ii) A list of identification numbers for pressure relief devices equipped with rupture disks, under the provisions of § 63.165(d) of this subpart.

(4) Identification of instrumentation systems subject to the provisions of this subpart. Individual components in an instrumentation system need not be identified.

(5) Identification of screwed connectors subject to the requirements of § 63.174(c)(2) of this subpart. Identification can be by area or grouping as long as the total number within each group or area is recorded.

(6) The following information shall be recorded for each dual mechanical seal system:

(i) Design criteria required in §§ 63.163(e)(6)(i), 63.164(e)(2), and 63.173(d)(6)(i) of this subpart and an explanation of the design criteria; and

(ii) Any changes to these criteria and the reasons for the changes.

(7) The following information pertaining to all pumps subject to the provisions of § 63.163(j), valves subject to the provisions of § 63.168(h) and (i) of this subpart, agitators subject to the provisions of § 63.173(h) through (j), and connectors subject to the provisions of § 63.174(f) and (g) of this subpart shall be recorded:

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