Recordkeeping requirements.

§ 63.1109 Recordkeeping requirements.

(a) Maintaining notifications, records, and reports. Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the owner or operator of each affected source subject to this subpart shall keep copies of notifications, reports and records required by this subpart and subparts referenced by this subpart for at least 5 years, unless otherwise specified under this subpart.

(b) Copies of reports. If the Administrator has waived the requirement of § 63.1110(g)(1) for submittal of copies of reports, the owner or operator is not required to maintain copies of the waived reports. This paragraph applies only to reports and not the underlying records that must be maintained as specified in this subpart and the subparts referenced by this subpart.

(c) Availability of records. All records required to be maintained by this subpart or a subpart referenced by this subpart shall be maintained in such a manner that they can be readily accessed and are suitable for inspection. The records of the remaining 3 years, where required, may be retained offsite. Records may be maintained in hard copy or computer-readable form including, but not limited to, on paper, microfilm, computer, computer disk, magnetic tape, or microfiche.

(d) Control applicability records. Owners or operators shall maintain records containing information developed and used to assess control applicability under § 63.1103 (e.g., combined total annual emissions of regulated organic HAP).

(e) Ethylene production flare records. For each flare subject to the requirements in § 63.1103(e)(4), owners or operators must keep records specified in paragraphs (e)(1) through (15) of this section in lieu of the information required in § 63.998(a)(1) of subpart SS.

(1) Retain records of the output of the monitoring device used to detect the presence of a pilot flame or flare flame as required in § 63.670(b) of subpart CC and the presence of a pilot flame as required in § 63.1103(e)(4)(vii)(D) for a minimum of 2 years. Retain records of each 15-minute block during which there was at least one minute that no pilot flame or flare flame is present when regulated material is routed to a flare for a minimum of 5 years. For each pressure-assisted multi-point flare that uses cross-lighting, retain records of each 15-minute block during which there was at least one minute that no pilot flame is present on each stage when regulated material is routed to a flare for a minimum of 5 years. You may reduce the collected minute-by-minute data to a 15-minute block basis with an indication of whether there was at least one minute where no pilot flame or flare flame was present.

(2) Retain records of daily visible emissions observations as specified in paragraphs (e)(2)(i) through (iv) of this section, as applicable, for a minimum of 3 years.

(i) To determine when visible emissions observations are required, the record must identify all periods when regulated material is vented to the flare.

(ii) If visible emissions observations are performed using Method 22 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-7, then the record must identify whether the visible emissions observation was performed, the results of each observation, total duration of observed visible emissions, and whether it was a 5-minute or 2-hour observation. Record the date and start time of each visible emissions observation.

(iii) If a video surveillance camera is used pursuant to § 63.670(h)(2) of subpart CC, then the record must include all video surveillance images recorded, with time and date stamps.

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