Qualified Facilities Plan Requirements.

§ 112.6 Qualified Facilities Plan Requirements.

Qualified facilities meeting the Tier I applicability criteria in § 112.3(g)(1) are subject to the requirements in paragraph (a) of this section. Qualified facilities meeting the Tier II applicability criteria in § 112.3(g)(2) are subject to the requirements in paragraph (b) of this section.

(a) Tier I Qualified Facilities—(1) Preparation and Self-Certification of the Plan. If you are an owner or operator of a facility that meets the Tier I qualified facility criteria in § 112.3(g)(1), you must either: comply with the requirements of paragraph (a)(3) of this section; or prepare and implement a Plan meeting requirements of paragraph (b) of this section; or prepare and implement a Plan meeting the general Plan requirements in § 112.7 and applicable requirements in subparts B and C, including having the Plan certified by a Professional Engineer as required under § 112.3(d). If you do not follow the appendix G template, you must prepare an equivalent Plan that meets all of the applicable requirements listed in this part, and you must supplement it with a section cross-referencing the location of requirements listed in this part and the equivalent requirements in the other prevention plan. To complete the template in appendix G, you must certify that:

(i) You are familiar with the applicable requirements of 40 CFR part 112;

(ii) You have visited and examined the facility;

(iii) You prepared the Plan in accordance with accepted and sound industry practices and standards;

(iv) You have established procedures for required inspections and testing in accordance with industry inspection and testing standards or recommended practices;

(v) You will fully implement the Plan;

(vi) The facility meets the qualification criteria in § 112.3(g)(1);

(vii) The Plan does not deviate from any requirement of this part as allowed by § 112.7(a)(2) and 112.7(d) or include measures pursuant to § 112.9(c)(6) for produced water containers and any associated piping; and

(viii) The Plan and individual(s) responsible for implementing this Plan have the approval of management, and the facility owner or operator has committed the necessary resources to fully implement this Plan.

(2) Technical Amendments. You must certify any technical amendments to your Plan in accordance with paragraph (a)(1) of this section when there is a change in the facility design, construction, operation, or maintenance that affects its potential for a discharge as described in § 112.1(b). If the facility change results in the facility no longer meeting the Tier I qualifying criteria in § 112.3(g)(1) because an individual oil storage container capacity exceeds 5,000 U.S. gallons or the facility capacity exceeds 10,000 U.S. gallons in aggregate aboveground storage capacity, within six months following preparation of the amendment, you must either:

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