Purpose and scope of the regulations in this part.

§ 270.1 Purpose and scope of the regulations in this part.

(a) Coverage. (1) These permit regulations establish provisions for the Hazardous Waste Permit Program under Subtitle C of the Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, as amended (RCRA), (Pub. L. 94–580, as amended by Pub. L. 95–609 and by Pub. L. 96–482; 42 U.S.C. 6091 et seq.). They apply to EPA and to approved States to the extent provided in part 271.

(2) The regulations in this part cover basic EPA permitting requirements, such as application requirements, standard permit conditions, and monitoring and reporting requirements. These regulations are part of a regulatory scheme implementing RCRA set forth in different parts of the Code of Federal Regulations. The following chart indicates where the regulations implementing RCRA appear in the Code of Federal Regulations.

Section of RCRA Coverage Final regulation
Subtitle COverview and definitions40 CFR part 260
3001Identification and listing of hazardous waste40 CFR part 261
3002Generators of hazardous waste40 CFR part 262
3003Transporters of hazardous waste40 CFR part 263
3004Standards for HWM facilities40 CFR parts 264, 265, 266, and 267
3005Permit requirements for HWM facilities40 CFR parts 270 and 124
3006Guidelines for State programs40 CFR part 271
3010Preliminary notification of HWM activity(public notice) 45 FR 12746 February 26, 1980

(3) Technical regulations. The RCRA permit program has separate additional regulations that contain technical requirements. These separate regulations are used by permit issuing authorities to determine what requirements must be placed in permits if they are issued. These separate regulations are located in 40 CFR parts 264, 266, 267, and 268.

(b) Overview of the RCRA Permit Program. Not later than 90 days after the promulgation or revision of regulations in 40 CFR part 261 (identifying and listing hazardous wastes) generators and transporters of hazardous waste, and owners or operators of hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal facilities may be required to file a notification of that activity under section 3010. Six months after the initial promulgation of the part 261 regulations, treatment, storage, or disposal of hazardous waste by any person who has not applied for or received a RCRA permit is prohibited. Treatment, storage, and disposal facilities (TSDs) that are otherwise subject to permitting under RCRA and that meet the criteria in paragraph (b)(1), or paragraph (b)(2) of this section, may be eligible for a standardized permit under subpart J of this part. A RCRA permit application consists of two parts, part A (see § 270.13) and part B (see § 270.14 and applicable sections in §§ 270.15 through 270.29). For “existing HWM facilities,” the requirement to submit an application is satisfied by submitting only part A of the permit application until the date the Director sets for submitting part B of the application. (Part A consists of Forms 1 and 3 of the Consolidated Permit Application Forms.) Timely submission of both notification under section 3010 and part A qualifies owners and operators of existing HWM facilities (who are required to have a permit) for interim status under section 3005(e) of RCRA. Facility owners and operators with interim status are treated as having been issued a permit until EPA or a State with interim authorization for Phase II or final authorization under part 271 makes a final determination on the permit application. Facility owners and operators with interim status must comply with interim status standards set forth at 40 CFR part 265 and 266 or with the analogous provisions of a State program which has received interim or final authorization under part 271. Facility owners and operators with interim status are not relieved from complying with other State requirements. For existing HWM facilities, the Director shall set a date, giving at least six months notice, for submission of part B of the application. There is no form for part B of the application; rather, part B must be submitted in narrative form and contain the information set forth in the applicable sections of §§ 270.14 through 270.29. Owners or operators of new HWM facilities must submit parts A and B of the permit application at least 180 days before physical construction is expected to commence.

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