Purpose and scope.

§ 501.1 Purpose and scope.

(a) These regulations are promulgated under the authority of sections 101(e), 405(f), 501(a), and 518(e) of the CWA, and implement the requirements of those sections.

(b) This part specifies the procedures EPA will follow in approving, revising, and withdrawing State sludge management programs under section 405(f), and the requirements State programs must meet to be approved by the Administrator under section 405(f) of CWA. Sludge Management Program submissions may be developed and implemented under any existing or new State authority or authorities as long as they meet the requirements of this part.

(c) Any complete State Sludge Management Program submitted for approval under this part shall have the following as a minimum:

(1) The authority to require compliance by any person who uses or disposes of sewage sludge with standards for sludge use or disposal issued under section 405(d) of the CWA, including compliance by federal facilities;

(2) The authority to issue permits that apply, and ensure compliance with, the applicable requirements of section 405 of the Clean Water Act to any POTW or other treatment works treating domestic sewage, and procedures for issuance of such permits;

(3) Provisions for regulating the use or disposal of sewage sludge by non-permittees;

(4) The authority to take actions to protect public health and the environment from any adverse effects that may occur from toxic pollutants in sewage sludge; and

(5) The authority to abate violations of the State sludge program, including civil and criminal penalties and other ways and means of enforcement. Indian Tribes can satisfy criminal enforcement authority requirements under § 501.25.

(d) In addition, any complete State Sludge Management Program submitted for approval under this part must have authority to regulate all sewage sludge management activities subject to 40 CFR part 503, unless the State is applying for partial sludge program approval in accordance with paragraph (m) of this section. The State sludge management program must include authority to regulate all Federal facilities in the State. Sludge management activities must include as applicable:

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