Purpose and scope.

§ 233.1 Purpose and scope.

(a) This part specifies the procedures EPA will follow, and the criteria EPA will apply, in approving, reviewing, and withdrawing approval of State programs under section 404 of the Act.

(b) Except as provided in § 232.3, a State program must regulate all discharges of dredged or fill material into waters regulated by the State under section 404(g)–(1). Partial State programs are not approvable under section 404. A State's decision not to assume existing Corps' general permits does not constitute a partial program. The discharges previously authorized by general permit will be regulated by State individual permits. However, in many cases, States other than Indian Tribes will lack authority to regulate activities on Indian lands. This lack of authority does not impair that State's ability to obtain full program approval in accordance with this part, i.e., inability of a State which is not an Indian Tribe to regulate activities on Indian lands does not constitute a partial program. The Secretary of the Army acting through the Corps of Engineers will continue to administer the program on Indian lands if a State which is not an Indian Tribe does not seek and have authority to regulate activities on Indian lands.

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